'xte mousedown' / '-up' via xbindkeys not working

I would like to bind my (Logitech mouse, thumb button) b:2 to the middle mouse button button 2.

I tried

 "xte 'mouseclick 2'"

which does work in the terminal, but not with xbindkeys. Neither does the following trigger any action, which is what I actually planned to do:

 "xte 'mousedown 2'"
 "xte 'mouseup 2'"
   b:8 + release

I can, however, send keystrokes as "xte 'keydown A'" using xbindkeys without any problems. If I replace keydown A with mouseclick 2, no mouse action is triggered. (I check it holding the mouse over a firefox tab and see if it gets closed)

What am I doing wrong?

Solution 1:

I faced the same issue.

I fixed it by

"xte 'mouseclick 2'"

Hope it helps
