Update time for daylight savings time, set system clock to UTC time, and stay in sync with online server

See if you have a file /etc/ntp.conf, then see if this file contains line starting with the keyword 'server' (without the quotes of course). If you have this then the time will be regularly synchronized with timeservers.

If you do not have this file then no time keeping service is installed. To install ntpd, from a terminal prompt enter:

sudo apt-get install ntp

That is about it in a nutshell. If you do not have this file or if you are not sure what about what you are doing please refer to this resource: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/NTP.html. It contains more useful information than I can explain here. Although it is about servers it works equally good for desktops and laptops.

To modify the systems to use UTC time, edit /etc/default/rcS (e.g. sudo emacs /etc/default/rcS) setting UTC=yes.

From response #7 on this post I found that I could run the command sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org which would force the machine to sync the time. This seems to have corrected the time displayed but I am not sure the effect on the system time or if it will remain after rebooting.