Clear windows command prompt screen using keyboard shortcuts

Solution 1:

NO, But you can use CLS command to clear the whole screen, Esc (Escape) key will clear the input line. In addition, pressing Ctrl + C will move the cursor to a new blank line.

Solution 2:

If you really really want to do that with a keyboard shortcut (myself included) you might turn to using autohotkey and write a little script like this:

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Cntr-L should clear screen
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#IfWinActive ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
Send cls{Enter}


what the script does ...

  • first look if one is within console application
  • if CTRL+L is pressed
  • write cls to the console and then hit ENTER

Solution 3:

So long i also research but found best way to achieve this by defining Doskey Macro

i defined macro like this

doskey 1=cd\ $T cls

this will do two things by simple writing 1 and hit enter

  1. Bring you on clean Command route
  2. Clear entire screen

Note: you can add multiple desire command under one macro by separating them with $T