Equivalent of cmd's "where" in powershell

Solution 1:

Use the Get-Command commandlet passing it the name of the executable. It populates the Path property of the returned object (of type ApplicationInfo) with the fully resolved path to the executable.

# ~> (get-command notepad.exe).Path

Solution 2:

If you're just looking to have the same functionality without invoking cmd, you can call where.exe from powershell, as long as C:\Windows\System32 is in your path. The command where (without the .exe) is aliased to Where-Object, so just specify the full name.

PS C:\Users\alec> where
cmdlet Where-Object at command pipeline position 1

PS C:\Users\alec> where.exe
The syntax of this command is:

WHERE [/R dir] [/Q] [/F] [/T] pattern...

Solution 3:

where isn't a built in cmd command. It's a standalone application (where.exe), so strictly speaking PowerShell doesn't "need a replacement".

So why doesn't where work in PowerShell? It seems to do nothing:

PS C:\> where where
PS C:\>

By default where is aliased to a built-in PS cmdlet.

PS C:\> get-help where


Well, that's great to know, but is there a way to avoid calling where-object when trying to call where.exe?

The answer is, yes.

Option 1

Call where.exe with extension. (This is a handy way to work around other aliasing and file-extension prioritisation issues.)

PS C:\> where.exe where

Option 2

Remove the alias.

PS C:\> Remove-Item alias:\where -Force
PS C:\> where where

Side Notes

zdan's answer proposes using Get-Command as an alternative. Although it's a little more verbose (even when using the default gcm alias), it has richer functionality than where.exe. If used in scripting, do pay attention to the subtle differences between the two. E.g. where.exe returns all matches, whereas Get-Command returns only the first result unless you include the optional -TotalCount parameter.

PS C:\> where.exe notepad
PS C:\> (gcm notepad).Path
PS C:\> (gcm notepad -TotalCount 5).Path
PS C:\>

And finally, if you remove the default where alias, you might also consider reassigning that as an alias to Get-Command. (But this would probably be of dubious benefit.)

PS C:\> Set-Alias where Get-Command
PS C:\> where notepad

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Application     notepad.exe                                        10.0.15... C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe

PS C:\> (where notepad).Path
PS C:\>

Solution 4:

Get-ChildItem C:\SomeDir -Recurse *.dll

That's pretty much what the old where.exe does... was there more specific functionality that you're trying to mimic?

Edit: In response to Joshua's comment... oh, you want to search your PATH environment variables too? No problem.

Foreach($_ In $Env:Path -Split ';')
    Get-ChildItem $_ -Recurse *.dll