How to write on FAT32 and NTFS from Mountain Lion? [duplicate]

What is the best free software for OS X Mountain Lion for enabling write support for FAT32 and NTFS?

At the moment, the only free way for NTFS write access without using abandoned software is using NTFS-3G along with FUSE for OS X. There's a guide for that in the FUSE for OS X wiki.

If you need NTFS writing a lot you might be better off using Tuxera or Paragon, both commercial but more faster and more bulletproof solutions.

As pointed out in the comments, there's no write restriction for FAT32 volumes in OS X.

Try NTFS-FREE, works for me on ML:

This program allows MacOSX to access Microsoft NTFS formatted harddrives connected by USB port. A modified version of the original Linux code, this program is packaged as a easy-to-use installer so that normal users can install it without hassle

Fuse4x + Ntfs-3g works on OS X Lion. All freeware.

  1. Install Homebrew.

  2. In Terminal, type brew install Fuse4x.

  3. Next, type brew install ntfs-3g.

  4. Type brew info fuse4x-kext . Enter the 2 lines of $ sudo code separately at the start of the text given.

  5. Type brew info ntfs-3g . Enter the 2 lines of code separately after the line "To replace the default Mac OSX automounter:" .

  6. A restart may be prompted.

  7. Done.

All the best.