10.8 reminders snooze duration

When I get either a Calendar or Reminders notification, I have the option to 'snooze':

reminder alert with snooze

I would like to be able to say something like 'remind me in 10 minutes' or 'remind me in 2 hours' (much like the iCal notifcations used to allow in <= 10.7).

Is this possible?

Solution 1:

Yes, Apple failed to include a multi-time snooze feature in the Mountain Lion version of Calendar. LIke you, thousands of us would like to have this feature back.

Go to www.apple.com/feedback and tell them. I did. If enough people point out this omission, they will address it sooner than later.

Power in numbers!

Solution 2:

In Mountain Lion, you can select the snooze duration by holding down the button:

Snooze menu

The various times in the menu differ based on the length of time before the event begins. There's no visual clue that this functionality is available, but it is.

Update: The same functionality is available in Yosemite

Snooze menu 2