PHP: Read Specific Line From File

I'm trying to read a specific line from a text file using php. Here's the text file:


How would I get the content of the second line using php? This returns the first line:

$myFile = "4-24-11.txt";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'r');
$theData = fgets($fh);
echo $theData;

..but I need the second.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Solution 1:

$myFile = "4-24-11.txt";
$lines = file($myFile);//file in to an array
echo $lines[1]; //line 2

file — Reads entire file into an array

Solution 2:

omg I'm lacking 7 rep to make comments. This is @Raptor's & @Tomm's comment, since this question still shows up way high in google serps.

He's exactly right. For small files file($file); is perfectly fine. For large files it's total overkill b/c php arrays eat memory like crazy.

I just ran a tiny test with a *.csv with a file size of ~67mb (1,000,000 lines):

$t = -microtime(1);
$file = '../data/1000k.csv';
$lines = file($file);
echo $lines[999999]
//Process finished with exit code 0

And since noone mentioned it yet, I gave the SplFileObject a try, which I actually just recently discovered for myself.

$t = -microtime(1);
$file = '../data/1000k.csv';
$spl = new SplFileObject($file);
echo $spl->current()
//Process finished with exit code 0

This was on my Win7 desktop so it's not representative for production environment, but still ... quite the difference.

Solution 3:

If you wanted to do it that way...

$line = 0;

while (($buffer = fgets($fh)) !== FALSE) {
   if ($line == 1) {
       // This is the second line.

Alternatively, open it with file() and subscript the line with [1].