What is the word for the opposite of "methodology" [closed]

If I am wanting to say that I am focusing on methodological aspects of a particular area of research, what should I contrast the word methodology with? The best I have come up with so far is perhaps "topical," as in I am interested in both the methodological and topical aspects of a particular question (i.e. the ways in which this question is answered, and the specific answers which are given).

If anyone has any better ideas, let me know.

Solution 1:

Perhaps just non-methodological aspects or aspects apart from/other than methodology. Since you'll use this word to refer to what you aspects of interest are not, I don't imagine you'll have to keep repeating it. If you do need to refer to those aspects, you could be specific e.g. "Those factors are relevant for X and Y, which were beyond the scope of this study" rather than "Those factors are relevant for some non-methodological questions/issues..."

If you're not interested in, say, the history of a topic, you could be interested in its current status, its future, its philosophy, its alternatives, its public image, etc. I don't think each one of these, e.g. philosophy, necessarily has an opposite, although some might, e.g. practical/theoretical aspects. Depending on your field of research, however, there may be umbrella adjectives or nouns for related aspects of study.