Forecast Entry - Can this mean the process of entering data into a computer form?

Our company's customers are forecasters. Some of them (non-native English speakers) use the term Forecast Entry to describe the process of sitting in front of the computer and entering a weather forecast into a form, populating the items one by one.

To me, this doesn't sound like a correct usage of the word entry. The word entry in this context sounds to me like forecast item or forecast record, which is wrong, of course.

Can the phrase Forecast Entry mean the process of populating a form, or can you suggest a better term?

Solution 1:

This usage is absolutely fine - you're right that entry can mean the same as record or item, but it can also mean the process of entering (e.g. information into a system), as in the phrase data entry.

For example, see this definition:

4a : the act of making or entering a record