Ameliorate example sentences

Solution 1:

None of your examples seem idiomatic to me.

The subject of "ameliorate" is usually a bad condition or situation, not a specific thing.

There are a number of examples in Lexico that show typical uses. Here are some of them:

‘the reform did much to ameliorate living standards’
‘It makes constructive suggestions as to how the laws may be amended to ameliorate some of the adverse impacts on young people.’
‘The goal is to enact a more equal distribution of wealth and power across the world by democratic means, which maintain the positive impacts of globalisation while ameliorating its negative consequences.’

"Repair" is usually used when referring to physical things that are broken; you repair a car that won't start. It can also be used figuratively, such as repairing a strained relationship or marriage.

A common word for making a specific thing better is "improve". Students are encouraged to improve their grades, and employers can improve working conditions (although "ameliorate" can also be used here: they ameliorate unsafe working conditions).