Can I use a Dual Boot and VM with the same installation?

Solution 1:

I can't see why this should be impossible. Let's break down the steps:

  1. VirtualBox on Windows probably uses a file on the Windows filesystem to store the guest (Ubuntu) virtual HDD. Learn how to use a partition instead.

  2. Once, you have a real Ubuntu partition, set up a bootloader (grub) or modify the bootloader you already have.

  3. Now, boot into Ubuntu. Ubuntu should recognize your hardware (which is different from the emulated hardware when running inside VirtualBox). If your hardware is supported, see if VirtualBox guest additions (graphics, networking) cause any trouble. Check whether networking needs work.

  4. Go back to Windows and see if Ubuntu under VirtualBox still works.

  5. Be very careful with hibernating Ubuntu.

Solution 2:

It turns out that Kris Harper's post has the exact answer to the question.

The menu.lst file was part of the original GRUB. Ubuntu now uses GRUB2 by default, so the config file has changed to /boot/grub.cfg.

Here is a rather long primer about GRUB2. Scroll down to section 5 to read about editing the GRUB config file. Note that you shouldn't edit this file directly in normal circumstances. Instead, editing /etc/default/grub is the preferred way to prevent overwriting your changes on update.

Here's another primer on editing the GRUB2 config file. It's not as technical.