Automatic updates paused due to metered connection


Actually, there was a bug at the time you asked this question that caused gnome-software to believe your connection was metered. Later versions of the software addressed the issue. As a result, you can simply run sudo apt upgrade to resolve the issue. You may still be experiencing this problem if you aren't using the deb version. You can install the deb version using:

sudo snap remove snap-store
sudo apt install gnome-software

You can start it with the command gnome-software. You can also use the app drawer to start it.

Original answer

This problem is because your current network is metered and Ubuntu does not do automatic updates on metered connections. It shows that panel because automatic updates are paused. Do the following to set the connection to metered-no.

Note the following changes will take more internet than usual because of background tasks etc.

Command-line Interface

  1. Get the device's current connection

    nmcli -t -f GENERAL.CONNECTION --mode tabular device show $DEVICE | head -n1

    -t is required as there is a space appended at the end

  2. Show current metered status

    nmcli -f connection.metered connection show $CONNECTION

    Where $CONNECTION is the string returned by the previous command.

  3. Change metered status

    The valid statuses are yes, no, and unknown. unknown is the default, which will do the guessing based on things like the DHCP option

  4. Now disable the metered connection:

    nmcli connection modify $CONNECTION connection.metered no

    Change $CONNECTION by the output of the first command.

Graphical User Interface

  1. Go to settings (by searching settings in the application launcher and then opening the settings app)

  2. There navigate to the Wi-Fi settings:

enter image description here

  1. There go to the current connection settings

  2. You will see a screen like this:

enter image description here

  1. As you can see my connection isn't metered, but your checkbox may be ticked, so, just untick it and click on Apply.

If the above didn't work, you can try running this command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades

You'll get a prompt like:

enter image description here

Select yes and it'll work.

If you get any other prompt then choose the default options or the options you prefer.

If the above also didn't work then there must be some other issue. Try reinstalling the software app or install the gnome-softaware app

sudo apt install gnome-software

If nothing worked, then try changing your update settings to:

enter image description here