Ubuntu 20.04.2 and Onboard Intel I219-V

I recently purchased an ASROCK Z590M board with an Intel I219-V onboard network controller. However, the latest Focal 20.04.2 won't detect the onboard NIC. This is a known issue with Linux, as ASROCK doesn't have the drivers. Intel doesn't show any drivers on their site either.

Some people have disabled the onboard adapter and added an extra NIC, but, because of my application, that would create problems, so I would like to use the onboard card.

So how can I do that?

Solution 1:

I'm hitting this issue on 20.04.2 server so it appears these drivers have not yet landed there.

Kernel is 5.4.0-65-generic

Solution 2:

After reading and tweaking, this is what worked for me. I hope this helps all the others getting to configure the new boards with Intel and Ubuntu.

  1. Download this driver either directly to a directory on your Ubuntu server with the onboard NIC if you have a secondary network connection or to a USB drive: https://downloadmirror.intel.com/15817/eng/e1000e-3.8.4.tar.gz

  2. Once you get the file in the system do the following:

    sudo tar zxf e1000e-3.8.4.tar.gz
    sudo cd e1000e-3.8.4/src/
    sudo apt install make
    sudo apt install gcc
    sudo make install
    sudo modprobe e1000e insmod e1000e
    sudo reboot
  3. Do an:

    ip a

    and grab the name of the adapter, in my case enp0s31f6.

  4. Edit the network settings:

    $ sudo nano /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
          dhcp4: true
      version: 2
  5. Save with Ctrl+X.

  6. Enter at the shell prompt:

    sudo netplan apply
    sudo reboot

That should do it, hope it helps so you don't have to waster part of your Sunday figuring it out.

Answer moved here from the OP's question.