How to change password in SSH

So here's the situation: I'm new to my job so I still have no idea what they are talking about like this one, my boss tells me to change my password in by SSH.

I don't know what the heck he meant by that. But he said that I'll ask some co workers later but I want to make an impression so I need to figure out this myself. A little help here would be really appreciated.

So if anyone here knows what I mean please guide me through this.

Solution 1:

If you're on unix/linux, then login to your ssh server like this:

ssh -l <username> <servername>

this'll prompt you for password, if you have not yet transferred your ssh keys to the server. If you're on Windows, then use putty for doing the same.

Then after logging in, do this:


this will prompt your for your current password on the server and then new password