How do I copy hyperlinks in non-encoded format in Firefox? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

In about:config set

network.standard-url.escape-utf8: false

After this path copied as not encoded. But ancor keep encoded. :(


Found updated config Value

The setting was replaced with browser.urlbar.decodeURLsOnCopy in Firefox 53+.

Solution 2:

A work around is to not copy the entire URL from the bar (this works in firefox). And then it wont encode it.

I found that in firefox, if I placed my cursor in the address bar and press 'CTRL A', 'CTRL C', and then Paste it into whatever (an email, notepad++ etc). Then the url would change from what was originally in the URL.



Would become:


But if I copied from the 'x' in example:


The URL was not changed on paste and it was easy to fix the front of the URL.

Hope this clears it up.

Solution 3:


It appears as of Firefox 60 it is no longer possible via the methods in this post, but I'll leave the post for historical reasons...

Open the config page in Firefox by typing in about:config, then promise to be careful and enter.

Type network.standard-url into the search box.

Ensure both values are set to true.

enter image description here



As per mmv-ru comments, setting escape-utf-8 to false helped. So I assume keeping encode set to true!