Bash Man Page: kill <pid> vs kill -9 <pid>
just sends a signal to the given process. The -9
tells it which signal to send.
Different numbers correspond to different common signals. SIGINT
, for example, is 2, so to send a process the SIGINT
signal issue the command
$ kill -2 <pid>
The manpage here specifies:
The default signal for kill is TERM.
The manpage also provides a table of signals you can send. According to this table, TERM
is 15
, so these are all equivalent:
kill <pid>
kill -15 <pid>
kill -TERM <pid>
Notice 9 is the KILL
Name Number Action
ALRM 14 exit
HUP 1 exit
INT 2 exit
KILL 9 exit this signal may not be blocked
PIPE 13 exit
POLL exit
PROF exit
TERM 15 exit [Default]
USR1 exit
USR2 exit
STKFLT exit may not be implemented
PWR ignore may exit on some systems
WINCH ignore
CHLD ignore
URG ignore
TSTP stop may interact with the shell
TTIN stop may interact with the shell
TTOU stop may interact with the shell
STOP stop this signal may not be blocked
CONT restart continue if stopped, otherwise ignore
ABRT 6 core
FPE 8 core
ILL 4 core
QUIT 3 core
SEGV 11 core
TRAP 5 core
SYS core may not be implemented
EMT core may not be implemented
BUS core core dump may fail
XCPU core core dump may fail
XFSZ core core dump may fail
The default signal is TERM which allows the program being killed to catch it and do some cleanup before exiting. A program can ignore it, too, if it's written that way.
Specifying -9 or KILL as the signal does not allow the program to catch it, do any cleanup or ignore it. It should only be used as a last resort.
To see the list of numbers and signal names in Bash, use kill -l
(letter ell).