Less politically problematic alternative to 'princess' or 'snowflake'

I'm looking for a word to use in a self-deprecating context meaning 'overly sensitive or precious'.

I ordinarily might say:

I'm going to sound like a princess here


I'm going to be a snowflake here

But both of these terms are politically problematic - princess because it's gendered and sounds demeaning to women, and snowflake because it's a common alt-right insult.

Is there an alternative word I can use that isn't so problematic?

Solution 1:

How about prima donna?

If you describe someone as a prima donna, you disapprove of them because they think they can behave badly or get what they want because they have a particular talent. [disapproval]

Nobody who comes to this club is allowed to behave like a prima donna.

...prima donna behaviour
