Adjective meaning 'attempting to draw sordid or lurid information out of someone'

I was speaking with a friend today who is a policeman. I asked him how his week had been and he replied "I don't have any good stories for you this week". I wanted to say: "I'm not being _________", meaning "I'm not asking in order to draw out of you / pry about / solicit information concerning sordid or shocking happenings," but I was unable to bring the correct word to mind. I have spent time mulling it over and I cannot put my finger on the right adjective.

Solution 1:



A. adj.

1. Exhibiting or characterized by excessive or inappropriate desire or interest; overly curious.Frequently with overtones of sense A. 2.

1994 Newsday (Nexis) 21 Aug. 38 The documentary triggers in the reader a mixed feeling of disgust for and prurient fascination with the lifestyle of the rich and famous.

2. Lascivious, lewd; exhibiting or characterized by an excessive or inappropriate concern with sexual matters; encouraging such a concern.

2006 Daily Tel. (Nexis) 22 Apr. 12 At the risk of appearing prurient, I had to inquire: how erotic was it?