Another word for someone who uses what they have on hand for purposes other than their original intention [closed]

I am looking for a word akin to resourceful, but I can't put my finger on it. Over the weekend, there were acquaintances that had limited resources on hand and used many of the objects for purposes other than their original intention.

Can anyone help me identify a word for this?

You might be thinking of MacGyvering, which as the M/W link says, is a slang term for making do with what's on hand.

Jury rigging (sometimes jerry rigging) is defined by Wikipedia as "makeshift repairs made with only the tools and materials at hand", and by Merriam-Webster (jury-rig, verb) as "to erect, construct, or arrange in a makeshift fashion"

One of the meanings of improvise (noun improvisation) is according to Merriam-Webster "to make or fabricate out of what is conveniently on hand".