The Grim Reaper, death itself/herself/himself? [closed]

Solution 1:

Use the name Death rather than Dead in English. Death personified as the Grim Reaper is usually assumed to be a male.

If you need a feminine character you could consider Atropos, the third of the three Fates from Greek mythology. It is Atropos who cuts the thread of life, and she is pictured with shears. Atropos is not actually identified with Death though, and Death as the Grim Reaper is pictured with a scythe.

Solution 2:

In English and German culture, Death is typically portrayed as male — Wikipedia

However, there are plenty of portrayals of Death as a woman, such as both DC's and Marvel's depictions of the character.

In creative writing, you can choose whatever gender for Death personified that you want (but "it" is not used for people or personifications).