How to syllabify "very" or "merry" etc in British English?

How should words like merry or very be syllabified in British English. I learned from the answer to my first question that words that have vowels like /ʌ ɪ ʊ ɛ/ should have a consonant after that vowel. So "obsessive" is /əb.sɛs.sɪv/ (the middle syllable has a consonant after the vowel ɛ).

Below is the paragraph from that answer: Yet another theory says that the consonant following the lax vowels /ʌ ɪ ʊ ɛ/ should be ambisyllabic. 'Ambisyllabic' means that it it belongs to both the preceding and the following syllable. So according to the ambisyllabicity theory, obsessive can be syllabified as:



But what if there is an r after the vowel ɛ in words like "merry" and "very"?

If I divide "very" into syllables as vɛr.i (because the vowel ɛ should have a consonant after it) then the first syllables ends in an r and in British English, words do not end in R sound (for example the R in "bar" is silent).

What should I do in the case I described above? How should one syllabify?


"Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers."

It is strange that this question was closed. I have provided details in my question. Could you please tell me how else can I clarify it?

Is there really no way to do the division of those words? Please consider reopening my question; I really am confused as to how to do the division of those words. Thank you so much.

Why would you need to know this? For example, for writing music for singers:


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In British English, you can syllabify them as /vɛr.i/ and /mɛr.i/ i.e. the r belongs to the previous syllable. For reference, you can see John Wells' syllabification (as he has done in Longman Pronunciation Dictionary) and Peter Roach's (Cambridge Online Dictionary)