Is it possible put a preposition in front of a relative pronoun what? [closed]

  1. She believed what I was talking about.

  2. She believed about what I was talking.

I believe the sentence 1 is grammatically correct, but I'm not sure about the sentence 2.

Is that okay, too? Thank you.

Solution 1:

Let me try to talk about what seems to be your main question. If we believe in what our brains do, our answers are based on what we know and on what we read. We carry on through what some might see as obscurity and doubt.

Such constructions are correct. In each case the preposition is followed by a noun phrase introduced by what.

Your second sentence (as a restatement of your correct first) does not quite fit the pattern because you have misplaced about, which in your first sentence qualifies talking rather than believing. Instead, try:

“She believed in what I was talking about.”