A phrase to describe when a person is faced with 'a tough decision'? [duplicate]

I am translating a novel, and have reached a point where I am in doubt of how to translate it.

The main character stands in a situation, where she has to make a tough decision. Which phrases could be used in English to express this? If, rather than a figure of speech, it could be a physical action, that would be preferred, but anything will do.

Solution 1:

Here are a couple of metaphors that would fit a "do or do-not" situation requiring drastic action. I'm not sure if that's the kind of situation you're trying to describe:

  • Standing before the Rubicon

  • Standing before a Gordian Knot

Note that these are not standard expressions. They're my attempt at taking existing idioms for drastic actions ("Crossing the Rubicon" and "Cutting the Gordian Knot") and trying to rework them into more pensive meanings.