How offensive is calling someone "dodgy"?

Labour MP Dennis Skinner has been suspended from Parliament for the day for calling the Prime Minister "Dodgy Dave".

I would like to know how serious of an insult it is. Can you put this insult to scale with some other insults?

In 2012 Cameron called his opponent "muttering idiot" and wasn't suspended from parliament for a day, so I thought that "dodgy" is worse than "idiot". Is my hypothesis right?

Solution 1:

In this context dodgy means dishonest or ethically questionable.

This is considered unparliamentary language. In particular, accusations of being dishonest or dishonourable are taboo, as in this BBC list.

MPs should not:

  • call another member a liar
  • suggest another MP has false motives
  • describe another member as "drunk"
  • misrepresent another MP's language
  • use abusive or insulting language.