One word for a person who repeats the same issue over and over again [duplicate]

How to name a person in one word who likes to repeat the things s/he has done or said or whatever, over and over again in every occasion. E.g. Ms Somebody always repeats the same incident which occurred 15 years ago, in every party/ meeting, which becomes kind of irritating after a couple of times, but s/he still enjoys repeating it. Like S/he visited the Bahamas in 2001, and in every occasion we meet (s/he is a relative of mine) at least once a year, he keeps repeating (in details) the visit to the Bahamas, which is quite annoying after two decades. S/He is .......

Solution 1:

Not one word solutions, but just in case:

"She keeps harping on about something."

"She's a broken record about something."

Or one word, but probably not the right meaning (keeps talking about uninteresting things):

"She's a windbag."

"She's a chatterbox."