Meaning of "in dash" in a story headline

This is the headline: US President Biden discovers limits to his power in dash to erase Trump's legacy

What is the meaning of "in dash" here?

Something that is readily available, like in a dashboard?

Just short for "in a dash" i.e. "quickly"?

Something else?

The story:

Solution 1:

Upgrading my comment to an answer as requested. No supporting references I'm afraid.

Words are often omitted in headline writing and in this case 'his' or possibly 'the' has been omitted between 'in' and 'dash'. The full version would be "...limits to his power in his dash to erase...". "Dash" here is a close synonym for "hurry" or "rush". Does that make it clearer? 

Solution 2:

It's a nightmare of headline-ese.

"US President Biden discovers limits to his power in dash to erase Trump's legacy" is appallingly difficult to parse.

It means:

"US President Biden discovers (some) limits to his power in (his) dash to erase Trump's legacy."

In this context, "dash" means "actions made in haste"