Is there a word for fear of hearing foreign languages?

I am looking for a word that specifically describes people who hate it when hearing other people speak foreign languages. It is similar to and subsumed under xenophobia, but manifests mainly in a strong aversion to foreign tongues.

Unlike xenoglossophobia or foreign language anxiety, which describes the anxiety arising from the learning or speaking of a second or foreign language, my targeted word is about the negative reaction to being surrounded by foreign language speakers. I know xenophobia already covers it, but I am looking for something more specific.

Solution 1:

Xenolingohassen: Phobia of hearing foreign language

Described in this article:

This hatred of other languages [is called] xenolingohassen from the Greek xeno (foreign/strange) + the Latin lingua (language/lingo) + the German hassen (hate/hatred). This new term should not be confused with xenoglossophobia, which is a clinical anxiety related to hearing foreign languages.