What do you call an unsupported roof that juts out over the entrance to a building? [duplicate]

Here is a sample picture:


Do we call this a cantilevered roof? Or is there a more apt description?

A more generic word for that would be overhang, defined by Merriam-Webster as 'a projection of the roof or upper story of a building beyond the wall of the lower part'


Architecture A projection or shelter that resembles a roof.

‘they mounted the station steps under the concrete canopy’

A marquee is most commonly a structure placed over the entrance to a hotel, theatre, casino, train station, or similar building. It often has signage stating either the name of the establishment or, in the case of theatres, the play or movie and the artist(s) appearing at that venue.

In the OED:

enter image description here

I am blind and so cannot see the picture, but if it's some kind of permanent installation I would usually think of the description as being a 'portico': a structure consisting of a roof supported by columns at regular intervals, typically attached as a porch to a building.

However if it's just something made of cloth and supported by a couple of angled braces from the building itself then canopy would be entirely appropriate.