you will have [committed]/[become]


John tells Bill that he wants to kill Bob. Bill replies to John with one of the sentences below.


  1. If you kill him, you will have become a murderer. Don't do that!
  2. If you kill him, you will have committed murder. Don't do that!


Do "will have become" and "will have committed" work in the above two sentences? Is the following interpretation of sentences #1 and #2 correct:

  1. If you kill him, the effect will be that you have become a murderer.
  2. If you kill him, the effect will be that you have committed murder.

Thanks in advance.

Both correct.

But if you were talking about which was the better usage, I would recommend using the second one, because it's more generally used and sounds much less weird.

As 'you have become' is in present perfect tense, it's correct too.