What can be an idiom for nepotism? [closed]

Solution 1:

There is a saying that gives the same feeling of someone's claiming priority. It is often used humorously as parody rather than seriously. It is:

"Let me through, I'm a doctor!"

Ola Lindberg

Ola's opening is worth quoting in full:

"The scene is familiar. A crowd surrounds an injured person unsure what to do until someone pushes his or her way to the unfortunate person while shouting, “Let me through, I’m a doctor!” While the scene is probably recognized by most, if not all, it is harder to pinpoint a precise film or TV series where it occurs. In my efforts to identify an example of this scene, I finally ended up on a popular film and creative writing website which classifies the scene as “seen it a million times”. This classification is defined as a cliché, used and parodied so many times that people have a hard time actually remembering where or when they have seen it."

And here is an example of the "Let me through ..." style of parody:

Cartoon Stock

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