How to List all software installed on Ubuntu 14.04 and Uninstall them

I am beginner to Ubuntu. I have installed ubuntu desktop 14.04 and have tried to install PHP, Apache, MYSQL and PHPMYADMIN through terminal. I have tried many commands but have only installed Apache and php.

After some time i see that i have installed these software in many directories. So Now i want to see the list of All these software installed on my system and uninstall them and then install in a secure Way.

Solution 1:

Open up a terminal and type,

 $ dpkg --list

to list all the installed packages.

To completely remove the package you want, type:

 $ sudo apt-get purge <package_name>

For example,

 $ sudo apt-get purge phpmyadmin

Also, the easiest way to install these services is using tasksel,

 $ sudo apt-get install tasksel
 $ sudo tasksel
   (Select LAMP server and follow instructions)
 $ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Solution 2:

Open up Ubuntu software center. Go to Installed tab and in the search, simply type * (asterick), the software center will show up all the installed software by category. To uninstall any software, simply highlight it and click Remove.