Seeing two mouse cursors

So, I was trying to drag and drop an image, but for reason I am now stuck with two mouse cursors for some reason (not to mention the image itself is hanging around). image to explain (photo cause the cursor doesn't appear in screenshots) :

enter image description here

As you can see, there's two cursors - they're also flattened out weirdly, and the image that was being dragged is still there. I have no idea what happened. I'm using Ubuntu 14.10.

just go to the display settings and turn off sticky edges !

turning off and back on fractional scaling worked for me

Putting krishnan's answer separately, as this seems to occur, even after turning off sticky edges:

free && sync && echo 3 >sudo /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches && free

I have solved this via "Input > Mouse Integration (uncheck)"