"I am really not into it" vs "I am not really into it" [duplicate]

If someone asks help on a subject, and I am lacking in knowledge on it, which is appropriate or correct?

  1. I am really not into it
  2. I am not really into it

The intention is to convey that I am not well versed in this particular subject.

Suppose Chuck is really not into baseball. If you turn up baseball one more time in front of him, he just might hit you with the baseball bat!

Now, if Chuck were not really into baseball, you could still watch baseball in front of him—you could even take him to a game! He might leave as soon as something more interesting popped up, but at least he wouldn't hit you with the bat.

This question also has answers here.

If all you are lacking is knowledge, then actually neither of those sentences is appropriate. Being "into" something, in this context, means being interested in it. For instance:

Q: "Will you help me with my calculus homework?"

A: "I'm not really into calculus."

That sounds like maybe I do know calculus (maybe it was required), but I don't like working with it, so I won't help you. Not quite the same.

But there is still the question of the difference between "not really into" and "really not into", and I would explain it like this. "Not really into" is "not (really into)". If you are really into something, then you like it a lot. So, if you're not really into it, then it's not the case that you like it a lot. Usually, that actually means that you dislike it more than you like it, but it softens the dislike.

On the other hand, "really not into" is "really (not into)". If you're not into something, then you don't like it, so if you're really not into it, then you really don't like it. It strengthens the dislike.

If you want to be more polite, you would want to say

I am afraid I do not possess enough knowledge in the field in order to be able to help.

If you want to be less formal, you could say

I am sorry but this is not my strong point.

They mean slightly different things:

I'm not really into it -- It's not something I hate, but it doesn't really excite me either.

I'm really not into it -- I intensely dislike it.