What does "urge to kill" mean?

I've got an answer to my comment at Stack Overflow, and I don't get what it means.

I've googled and looked over several dictionaries with no help. Seems like it is some specific slang/phrasal verb, which I cannot find.

zerkms: @OMG Ponies: I have an idea of writing small .net application that formats any sql query accodring to the rules you've thinked of/invented (to get a practice in lexers/parsers). What do you think of this? ;-)

OMG Ponies: @zerkms: Urge to kill... rising... :p

Claudiu's answer is good. The original source of the quote posted by OMG Ponies is actually from The Simpsons. It's from Treehouse of Horror V; one of the Halloween episodes specifically. In this episode, Homer's "urge to kill"—i.e. his violent tendencies—are tapered by the Television working and/or showing a TV show that makes him want to kill (the episode was a spoof on the Steven King book/film The Shining, in which the character Jack tries to murder his family). It is, of course, a very tongue in cheek saying. It essentially means that one is extremely bothered and/or annoyed by something, so much so that it makes you want to "kill" something. The author of the post definitely means you no harm. :)

An urge is a desire to do something. To kill is to take somebody's life away. So to have an urge to kill means to have a strong desire to take someone's life away =).

Ah yes I didn't finish. It of course is ironical! The gist is that the idea seems so terrible to OMG Ponies that it inspires a blood-thirsty death rage in him. Given the demeanour of someone whose handle represents child-like amazement with miniature horses, I'd say that you're safe.