Where should PWA manifest be located for a Django app?

I'm working on converting a Django app to a Progressive Web App. Where should the manifest file be located in my directory structure if I link to the manifest? I am thinking of:

<!-- Startup configuration -->
<link rel="manifest" href="{% static 'app_name/manifest.webmanifest' %}">

I was working through the lighthouse plug-in feedback checklist to prep my website for use as a PWA and I ran into the message No usable web app manifest found on page.

For Django converting to PWA, is there a preferred convention for this setup?

As noted by farooq, the file location for the manifest does not matter as long as the manifest meets all the requirements for obtaining the manifest:

The steps for obtaining a manifest are given by the following algorithm. The algorithm, if successful, returns a processed manifest and the manifest URL; otherwise, it terminates prematurely and returns nothing. In the case of nothing being returned, the user agent MUST ignore the manifest declaration. In running these steps, a user agent MUST NOT delay the load event.

  1. From the Document of the top-level browsing context, let origin be the Document's origin, and manifest link be the first link element in tree order whose rel attribute contains the token manifest.

Therefore, this is fine for a Django Progressive Web App manifest and the file location should be based on project convention:

<!-- Startup configuration -->
<link rel="manifest" href="{% static 'app_name/manifest.webmanifest' %}">

you can use Django-simple-pwa just run pip install django-simple-pwa then add it to your installed apps


with this app you dont need to define and serve file such as manifest.json by own every things done automatically. then follow ducuments.

pypi: https://pypi.org/project/django-simple-pwa/

docs: https://django-simple-pwa.readthedocs.io/fa/latest/

documents are in Persian language but can translate to your local language with google translate I test it there is no translation problems