Is there any easy way to read a line from a file, split the first text part into a string, then split the last number part into a float?

I have an issue that I haven't been able to find a good way to solve, mostly because I am relatively new to C++, but not new to programming. I have a file with several lines in it, one of them being:

Plain Egg 1.45

I need to be able to read that line and split the first part, "Plain Egg", into a string, and then the last part, 1.45, into a float, and then do that for the rest of the lines. The following is some code I have so far, but I have been having an issue where it refuses to even read the file for some reason:

string line;
ifstream menuFile("menu.txt");
if (menuFile.is_open())
    int i = 0;
    while (getline(menuFile, line));
        cout << line << endl;

        istringstream iss(line);

        iss >> dataList[i].menuItem >> dataList[i].menuPrice;
        /*iss >> dataList[i].menuPrice;*/

    cout << "Unable to open file.";

When I run it, it doesn't spit out "Unable to open file.", and when I trace it, it does enter the if loop, but it just doesn't read it. Besides that problem though, I want to know if this code would work in the way I want it to, and if doesn't, how to solve this problem.

EDIT: When I run it, it outputs what the last line of the file said, that being "Tea 0.75". The full file is as follows:

Plain Egg 1.45
Bacon and Egg 2.45
Muffin 0.99
French Toast 1.99
Fruit Basket 2.49
Cereal 0.69
Coffee 0.50 
Tea 0.75

EDIT 2: For some reason, the following code goes straight to the last line, Tea 0.75, and I have no idea why, shouldn't the getline just go line by line until the last line(?):

string line;
int index;
ifstream menuFile("menu.txt");
if (menuFile.is_open())
    while (getline(menuFile, line));
        cout << line << endl;
        index = line.find_last_of(' ');
        cout << index << endl;


EDIT 3: Above code has a semicolon at the end of the while loop, no wonder it was just ending on the last line, ughhh.

  • Grab the line into a string.
  • Get the position of the last separator.
  • Your text is a substring of the line until the position of the separator.
  • Your number is a substring of the line from the position of the separator. You'll need to convert it to double first (and you should check for errors).


#include <iostream>  // cout
#include <string>  // find_last_of, getline, stod

int main()
    std::string line{};
    while (std::getline(std::cin, line))
        auto pos{line.find_last_of(' ')};
        auto text{line.substr(0, pos)};
        auto number{std::stod(line.substr(pos))};
        std::cout << "text = " << text << ", number = " << number << "\n";

// Outputs
//   text = Plain Egg, number = 1.45
//   text = Bacon and Egg, number = 2.45
//   text = Muffin, number = 0.99
//   text = French Toast, number = 1.99
//   text = Fruit Basket, number = 2.49
//   text = Cereal, number = 0.69
//   text = Coffee, number = 0.5
//   text = Tea, number = 0.75

A more robust solution taking into account @Dúthomhas' comments:

  • Trims the right hand side of the string before finding the last separator.
  • Catches std::stod exceptions.

This solution detects:

  • Blank lines.
  • Lines without texts.
  • Lines without numbers.
  • Incorrect number formats.


#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <iostream>  // cout
#include <string>  // find_last_of, getline, stod

int main()
    std::string line{};
    while (std::getline(std::cin, line))
            auto pos{line.find_last_of(' ')};
            auto text{line.substr(0, pos)};
            auto number{std::stod(line.substr(pos))};
            std::cout << "text = " << text << ", number = " << number << "\n";
        catch (const std::exception&)
            std::cout << fmt::format("* Error: invalid line '{}'\n", line);

// Outputs:
//   text = Plain Egg, number = 1.45
//   text = Bacon and Egg, number = 2.45
//   text = Muffin, number = 0.99
//   text = French Toast, number = 1.99
//   * Error: invalid line ''
//   * Error: invalid line 'Fruit Basket'
//   * Error: invalid line '0.75'
//   * Error: invalid line 'Coffee blah'