Unity import package is not importing correct version

I'm trying to import Mirror package (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/mirror-129321) but it doesn't seems to import latest version.

The version specified in Package manager is "30.2.2": enter image description here

But what I have in the version.txt of is "11.4.2": enter image description here

I already tried to delete and reimport the folder. I also tried a Reimport but without success.

Is their some sort of cache ?

Thank you.

I just tried getting it from the package manager and I got the right version (30.2.2). Note that the version.txt file is just a text file and mine shows 30.2.1 even though I got 30.2.2.

All the packages are cached under the "Library" folder. You can try closing Unity, deleting the Library folder and opening your project again. Unity will re-download all the packages at that point.

To remove the package from your project you can either:

  1. Find the package in package manager window within Unity and press the "remove" button. Unity should instantly remove the package from the cache folder instantly.

  2. Remove it from the Packages/manifest.json file. Close Unity first if going this route. Unity will sync the cache with the manifest.json the next time you open the project.