If you google "Islamist definition" the result you'll get is:

an advocate or supporter of Islamic militancy or fundamentalism

Google says they receive their definitions from Oxford Languages (run by the Oxford University Press). Yet, when I search for "islamist" in the Oxford Dictionary (also run by the Oxford University Press) I get:

a person who believes strongly in the teachings of Islam

Additionally, the AP Stylebook specifically states:

Do not use [Islamist] as a synonym for Islamic fighters, militants, extremists or radicals, who may or may not be Islamists.

These two definitions are vastly different, so I'd like some help on understanding what exactly the word "islamist" means.

Solution 1:

Islamic means related to Islam. Islamist means related to Islamism. These are two very different things: Islam is a religion while Islamism is a broad set of various related but often very different political ideologies.

The OED gives:

A. n.

  1. a. A Muslim. Now rare.

    b. An Islamic fundamentalist; a supporter or advocate of increasing the influence of Islamic law in politics and society.

  2. An expert or specialist in Islamic history, culture, etc.

B. adj.

  1. Of or relating to Islam or Muslims; Islamic, Muslim.

  2. Of or relating to Islamic fundamentalism or Islamic fundamentalists; that advocates or supports increasing the influence of Islamic law in politics and society.

The Encyclopædia Britannica has a very large section on this. It begins:

Islamism, also called political Islam, is a broad set of political ideologies that utilize and draw inspiration from Islamic symbols and traditions in pursuit of a sociopolitical objective. The aims and objectives of these movements vary widely, as do their interpretations of Islamic tradition and practice, and, as such, the precise scope and definition of the term remain debated.


The adjective Islamist, denoting someone or something in pursuit of a sociopolitical objective using the symbols and traditions of Islam, is distinguished from the term Islamic, which refers directly to aspects of Islam as a religion.

We shall not be able to provide you with the precise definition that you seem to seek, as this is not a settled matter. This is a word that has been around for almost two centuries. As such, it has meant many things to many people over time. If you want to know what someone means by it, you must ask them.