Can I use the word "impotence" and not refer to erectile dysfunction

Solution 1:

Even in serious writing, as this sample clearly is, aimed at a serious audience, there is absolutely no problem, this being so because as a well established usage exists and as readers have no reasons to look for meanings that make for nonsense when the obvious one is pointed by the context, the real business in reading you is to understand what you mean.


(SOED) impotence 1 Lack of strength or power; helplessness; weakness; feebleness.

You shouldn't even be stopped by the real possibility that an educated reader, out of contempt for your way of thinking, simply because of being out of step with you for instance, could occasionally make a pun involving sex (not necessarily concerning you personally) in a derisive manner. Such eventualities do not usually condition the choice of words.

Solution 2:

The meanings of impotence (aka impotency) given by Lexico are

1 Inability to take effective action; helplessness.

2 Inability in a man to achieve an erection or orgasm.

A man with erectile dysfunction is usually described as being impotent rather than 'having impotency', unlike 'having measles' or 'having the flu'.