Phrase or word meaning incoherent/dissonant feeling I have when I hear an unrealistically good description of something I do not like?

Here is my specific case: lately on Pandora, there have been ads for a particular brand of hamburger describing their food as far more delicious, juicy, and delectable than I have ever experienced. I feel a feeling when I hear these ads, and that's the phrase or word I'm trying to find.

When I hear the ad, I get this surreal, dissonant feeling. One one hand, my brain is getting super triggered in happy and delicious ways because of the delectable taste descriptions I am hearing. On the other hand, my brain is also saying "this is as far from a description of that food as anything I've ever heard." I am both in a small level of ecstasy imagining the hamburger that is being described while also a good level of repulsion since the source of the advertisement is the last place I would good looking for such a hamburger.

Solution 1:

Feeling both excited and repulsed at the same time is a form of cognitive dissonance:

: psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously

From Wikipedia:

In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values; or participates in an action that goes against one of these three, and experiences psychological stress because of that.

In this case, you know it's bad, but the commercial makes you think it's good. You are having difficulty accepting and reacting to both things at the same time.

Solution 2:

Probably nothing can beat "Cognitive dissonance" here, but I am throwing in my candidate all the same-- "Velleity", meaning:

1.The lowest degree of volition 2.A slight wish or tendency