Does it sound too formal to say "Please be aware that..." to a friend?

I searched on google and someone says that is used in a very formal way. So I was wondering what could an alternative to saying so politely to a friend. Thank you!

It's more that it's for formal circumstances (I often use quite "formal" English with one particular friend, but this is not the sort of thing we say).

I can't really offer a specific alternative without knowing what you're trying to tell your friend, but a couple of slightly more relaxed examples:

  • Before we go, I need to [tell, warn, ...] you that I won't be able to stay for dinner.

  • By the way, I just found out I'm allergic to shellfish, so please could we not go to Loch Fyne.

and last but not least [credit: @EdwinAshworth]:

  • [name or Oi], you're standing on my toe!