What is the meaning of gim boy?

I received an e-mail from Spotify Customer Support a few months ago. They ended the email with the following:

"Looking forward to hearing from you. Let us know if you have other questions or concerns. We're just an email away.

Until then,

Gim Boy

Spotify Customer Support"

I thought the name "Gim Boy" was rather peculiar, so I looked it up online. What I discovered was that, according to Urbandictionary.com, the word 'gim boy' means 'gay boy' and can be used as an insult.

To be certain, is Gim Boy a real name, and can it also be used as an insult?

Solution 1:

According to Wikipedia, Gim is just another rendering of the common surname Kim:

Kim or Gim is the most common surname in Korea.

Boy, again according to Wikipedia, is used as a given name, nickname or surname:

Boy is a masculine given name, nickname, and surname.

Since the order in which names are rendered depends on culture, it is very well possible that this person's surname is Gim, and his given name is Boy.