Orthographic/Perspective Views in Paraview

If you wish to define additional views in Paraview, you can set Custom Viewpoints under Layout > Adjust Camera (small icon in layout view next to 2D/3D switch at the right).

Starting from -Z view, one can set the azimuth and elevation angles to obtain the following views (in accordance to SolidWorks standard views):

Isometric view:

Azumith = +45°
Elevation = +35.264°

Dimetric view:

Azumith = +20.43°
Elevation = +19.244°

Trimetric view:

Azumith = +27.368°
Elevation = +31.174°

For other user-defined views you can use the following equations to calculate the azimuth angle \gamma and the elevation angle \delta:




Ref.: Brian Griffith: "Engineering Drawing for Manufacture", Elsevier, 2003. ISBN 978-1-85718-033-6, DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-1-85718-033-6.X5012-5

There is no shortcut but adding one should not be a lot of work. Feel free to open an issue in our gitlab

However, if you've configured it once manually, you can save the viewpoint in the Adjust Camera dialog or using the viewpoints toolbar.

Also you will want to enable Camera Parallel Projection.