I tried to develop a workspace Add-On in a different language and I am completely stuck with this issue. it seems that my add-on does not call my local server endpoint. I get the following error message: "Content can't be loaded (see screenshot https://ibb.co/0VJHqJh)". Furthermore, I can clearly see on my server that my endpoints are not called.

Does Workspace addons support local http endpoint?

Currently, I have:

  • a Fastapi server running at with multiple endpoints.
  • each endpoint returns Json CardService. Here a basic endpoint example:
@root_router.get('/homepage', response_class=JSONResponse)
async def homepage(event: object):
    # return json.dumps(BASIC_CARD)
    # return BASIC_CARD
    return renderAction

@root_router.post("/homepage2", response_class=JSONResponse)
async def homepage2(event: object):
    return renderAction
  • my add-on is deployed and installed with the following deployments file
  "oauthScopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/gmail.addons.execute",
  "addOns": {
    "common": {
      "name": "My HTTP Add-on",
      "logoUrl": "https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/googlematerialicons/markunread_mailbox/v6/black-24dp/1x/gm_markunread_mailbox_black_24dp.png",
      "homepageTrigger": {
        "runFunction": ""
      "openLinkUrlPrefixes": [""]
    "gmail": {},
    "drive": {},
    "calendar": {}

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Solution 1:

No because the add-on run on Google servers and they have their own "local endpoint". In other words, points to the server running the add-on not your machine.

Please bear in mind that the value of homepageTrigger.runFunction can't be an arbitrary URL, it should be the name of a function. Reference https://developers.google.com/apps-script/manifest/homepage-trigger.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost
  • https://developers.google.com/apps-script/manifest/addons?hl=en#Common.FIELDS.openLinkUrlPrefixes