Balancing two options by multiple opposing arguments, alternatives to "on the one hand ... on the other hand"
Solution 1:
Balancing already suggests scales, so even your home language metaphor is redundant. Similarly, you don't need any hands at all:
The most profitable inventory level requires balancing [this] against [that].
The most profitable inventory level requires balancing losses in storage costs, product obsolescence, and capital employed against lost sales opportunities due to insufficient product availability.
Your [this] and [that], though, complicate the sentence. Maybe you can tighten things up a bit (and move capital employed so employed doesn't try to be a verb):
The most profitable inventory level requires balancing storage cost losses, capital employed, and product obsolescence against lost sales due to insufficient inventory.
Finally, I think this is what you're actually trying to say:
Finding the most profitable inventory level requires weighing storage cost losses, capital employed, and product obsolescence against lost sales due to insufficient inventory.