Alternate words that describe color [closed]

I've always thought words that describe something's color (without specifically naming it) were really interesting. For example, instead of calling something green you may call it verdant.

Are there other examples of these types of words in English, if so, can you please list off some?

Solution 1:

Like most other color names, "Verdant" is a reference to something which has that 'color'. "Verdant" refers specifically to the kind of green that healthy vegetation exhibits: "having the color and other qualities associated with vibrant plant-life".

Ultimately, it's the construction of the word, with the "nt" ending, which means it's already been cast as an adjective, and is not usable as a noun.

Some examples of colorful things which have been turned into adjectives that I can think of, all from French and Latin:

  • Opalescent (Opal, a gemstone)
  • Sanguine (Sanguin, blood)