Java 8 list processing - add elements conditionally

I have the following piece of code:

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
if(list.isEmpty()) { list.addAll(method2()); }
if(list.isEmpty()) { list.addAll(method3()); }
if(list.isEmpty()) { list.addAll(method4()); }
if(list.isEmpty()) { list.addAll(method5()); }
if(list.isEmpty()) { list.addAll(method6()); }
return list;

Is there a nice way to add elements conditionally, maybe using stream operations? I would like to add elements from method2 only if the list is empty otherwise return and so on.

Edit: It's worth to mention that the methods contain heavy logic so need to be prevented from execution.

Solution 1:

You could try to check the return value of addAll. It will return true whenever the list has been modified, so try this:

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
// ret unused, otherwise it doesn't compile
boolean ret = list.addAll(method1())
    || list.addAll(method2()) 
    || list.addAll(method3())
    || list.addAll(method4())
    || list.addAll(method5())
    || list.addAll(method6());
return list;

Because of lazy evaluation, the first addAll operation that added at least one element will prevent the rest from bein called. I like the fact that "||" expresses the intent quite well.

Solution 2:

I would simply use a stream of suppliers and filter on List.isEmpty:

Stream.<Supplier<List<Object>>>of(() -> method1(), 
                                  () -> method2(), 
                                  () -> method3(), 
                                  () -> method4(), 
                                  () -> method5(), 
                                  () -> method6())
    .filter(l -> !l.isEmpty())

return list;

findFirst() will prevent unnecessary calls to methodN() when the first non-empty list is returned by one of the methods.

As remarked in comments below, if your list object is not initialized with anything else, then it makes sense to just return the result of the stream directly:

return  Stream.<Supplier<List<Object>>>of(() -> method1(), 
                                          () -> method2(), 
                                          () -> method3(), 
                                          () -> method4(), 
                                          () -> method5(), 
                                          () -> method6())
    .filter(l -> !l.isEmpty())

Solution 3:

A way of doing it without repeating yourself is to extract a method doing it for you:

private void addIfEmpty(List<Object> targetList, Supplier<Collection<?>> supplier) {
    if (targetList.isEmpty()) {

And then

List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
addIfEmpty(list, this::method1);
addIfEmpty(list, this::method2);
addIfEmpty(list, this::method3);
addIfEmpty(list, this::method4);
addIfEmpty(list, this::method5);
addIfEmpty(list, this::method6);
return list;

Or even use a for loop:

List<Supplier<Collection<?>>> suppliers = Arrays.asList(this::method1, this::method2, ...);
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
suppliers.forEach(supplier -> this.addIfEmpty(list, supplier));

Now DRY is not the most important aspect. If you think your original code is easier to read and understand, then keep it like that.