I know 'How' can be replaced with 'the way' in the sentence. So, I've brought some sentences confusing me.

(I was talking about some policy the government would implement later on. And all of sudden, 3 replies came across my mind.)

  1. this is how other countries do
  2. this is the way other countries do
  3. this is what other countries do

I guess number 3 makes sense, and number 1 doesn't because it doesn't have an object. Number 2 would be wrong as well since how and the way would work in the same way. And then, what if I use the verb 'use' in the number 2?

ex) this is the way other countries use, which is correct grammatically because the way can be a noun. However, number 1 (this is how other countries use.) is not applied.

this is all I've been thinking so far. Am I correct??

Solution 1:

This is how other countries do..................(something)

This is the way other countries do...............(something)

This is what other countries do. (nothing to add because it stands alone as a statement)

This is the way other countries use.....................(something)