Verbs and pronouns in action phrases e.g. me: *smiles* [closed]

I always assumed that the whole

/me smiles

with or without asterisks came from chatrooms where a "/me" or something similar was rendered as {nickname} {does something}.

So I would type /me smiles and in the chat it would show as

oerkelens smiles

In that case it doesn't make sense to use the first person singular.

In many places these habits have survived (and are even picked up by people that never knew the use of them in the first place).
I still catch myself using /me like this even when it just shows as /me, just like I still tend to type simplified emoticons like 8)7 or |:( even in places where they don't get rendered the way they do on a forum where I used to be very active.

Disregarding the /me -> nickname -> we need a 3rd person singular verb, there may be older cases of me in combination with a verb. The (now archaic?) construct methinks is one, and seems to be constructed treating me as a third person singular rather than first. Possibly because the speaker describes the action as if talking about a third party.