Need help completing this dialogue

Using the verbs say, come, and speak for the first, second, and third blanks, respectively. What tenses make sense here?

Mary: I wonder what he ___________ now.

Ann: Well, his girlfriend __________ from Japan too, so I suppose he _____________ Japanese.

According to the worksheet answer key, "is saying", "comes", and "speaks" are the answers, however, wouldn't it be more appropriate to have "is speaking" in the third blank? It doesn't make sense to me how someone (Ann in this case) could know that he (the guy saying something) is from Japan, but still "suppose" or guess that he speaks Japanese - seems redundant! Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Also present continuous seems to be more appropriate given Mary specifically focusing on what he is saying now.


It doesn’t seem like a very good dialogue. I would guess they want “says”, “comes”, and “speaks”, but I agree with you that this is a bad example dialogue. I suppose - as pointed out by someone else - that it’s supposed to prompt you to imagine the context. Perhaps Ann is being humorous in saying that she supposes he is speaking Japanese because that’s an easier answer than wondering what, specifically, he is saying.